воскресенье, 24 марта 2019 г.

oh my...i don't have words. I feel like a can fly right now. i really want to cry from the happines inside me. For me today is absolutely special day. Because, today is my birth day. My birth on Bloggerland (like commented once one girl).

On 24 march 2009 i posted my first message here. It was about my sister spanding his time in USA. I started my blog because i was Big Fan of TV show Lost. I found then, in the net - Jorge Gracia's blog (Hurley). For me his stories what he wrote on his blog, during living in Hawaii and filming in Lost -was soooo impresing. I read them with so much enjoing so i desided to make my own blog. so yes, Jorge Garcia became my Inspiration. Maybe if i didn't found his blog i never cannot meet the world of Blogspot and people what i meet here on my way. Thank you dear Jorge! Thinking about it today, i am felling double happy because i know what he knew the story - what he was my inspiration, i wrote him about it and he respond me). In 2009 when i started, i was 16 years old - young boy studying in school. To be 16 years old boy it mean what all boys (in school and from the yard) start to smoke, speak about all and nothing, drink etc. I like to live fun, i don't think what if you are teenager or old man - you need to do old mans things. I don't believe in this fakes. I always wanted and tryed to do things what i realy love to do. My Blog became my boat, where i can do all what i want to do with my time and life. So i started to look and search interesting things what is around me. You know!? - sometimes, for to be happy - you don't need to go far away from the place where are you now. You just need Imagination. And it work. I advice you, because i tryed it. 

I started to write small text from the the situation and daily's adventure what was happen in my life. I enjoing finding new things what borned in me new feelings.

Sincerelly to say, in 2009 my english was sooo bad (today is a little bit better ), but then - all my earlier posts was written with translation help of my sister, not always - sometimes she not have time for that and i tryed to use differently tipe of dictionary (online and offline). I can say what with help of this Blog i learned english and this is true. Thank you Blogger!

{PS.  I was so nervous then she didn't want to help me with translation))) Today I remembering that with smile on my face 😊

For the begining i don't have followers on my blog, in 2009 word "follower" not was so famous like nowadays. But this fact don’t disturb me. I wrote with passion. I wrote for myself.
I think that once, i thinked about socialization on Blogspot system. I mean i think about other bloggers what everiday make his lifes more funny and interesting. And i Begin to find new people with help of search panel in the left corner of this blog. I just press „next”.
I cannot remember when ( i will try to find this date) but i exactly know what the first comment on my blog was lived by Paul Spooner. I cannot remember who first find each other – Paul – me or I -Paul but the fact what some guy from the „other” plannet,  find time to write me something on my crazy post - give me a lot of impresion and power to keep posting new life stories.

Part I ________________________________________________

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