воскресенье, 18 октября 2009 г.

The lair of old whispering trees

People!!! Halloween, already coming to you. Therefore, rise up or I
would said, "unstick your "soft parts" with warm beds and go to make
your costumes ... :)
This week was mystics.

I love when in something is a little mysticism and mystery.
So, becomes more interesting.
A couple of days ago, I asked my father to try to make a small light bulb
and that it, would still work. In The next day it was already in my hands

and I "saw the light at the end of the tunnel".
I began to implement my idea into reality. From the clay, I concocted
a little man,

on wich, if you notice, grows the tail on the head, like a Cossack.
Then, I made from Papier Mashe, road cone

and with LEDs, it is became to lit like a lighthouse.

P.S. The action takes place in a dark forest, after the Halloween.
Little dwarf Cossack, came into the lair of old whispering trees ...

Uahahahaaaaaaaaa : o

10 комментариев:

Joan Crawford комментирует...

I will unstick my soft parts at once! I love your blog.

Unknown комментирует...


Ezequiel комментирует...

how much imagination!

Eugen Caitaz комментирует...

Guys! I am glad that you liked my mystical dwarf!

Paul Spooner комментирует...

Unstuck...as ordered!

benjamin trobat -cartoonist- комментирует...

I would love it! My email is benjatoon@yahoo.com.ar

NICOLAS P. VILLARREAL комментирует...

Very Cool work Jenea!


Eugen Caitaz комментирует...

Very cool words!!!

Erika Jean комментирует...

very creative!!

I'll be handing out candy to the neighborhood kids this Halloween. No costume.

Unknown комментирует...

hello! tell me about the work of caricatures, my mail is caricaparpa@gmail.com