понедельник, 16 августа 2010 г.

Third gift from Hugh!

Friendship is one of the most important qualities, that owns person. Friendship cannot be in tension, if you feeling that you have nice and interesting conversation with someone, speak with him! Don't be afraid to make friends, because only through a good friend you can find your place in life.

In the last time, I hear so many times the word -China, that sometimes, looking in the mirror I think -why I have such big eyes! " :), And all thanks to one of my real- virtual friends-Hugh!
Each postcard sended by a friend, may speak.

Extraordinary embroidered marine fishes, told me - through what, they went in this long journey: China-Moldova. (Incredible- but the fish look very fresh, and tenacious, even though that the flight in an airplane didn't provide a special tank with pure mountain water.)
At the tail of one, I found the Chinese banknote-1 Chinese yuan with Mao Zedong at the head.
Thanks Hugh! Stay in touch! ;)

In the same day, received a new postcard!

Country: Brazil
Distance: 11,304 km
Traveled: 22 days

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