вторник, 2 ноября 2010 г.


Today's Pumpkins!

Hopefully we will not see in continuation of the Pirates of the Caribbean,

- Jack Sparrow in this appearance.

You are already feel weakness within yourself!?, don't be surprised, since you also are under the spell of the evil Lord Voldemort, who - don't losing a second - sucks your soul.

2 комментария:

TrüSka комментирует...

Wowwww This is genious! You made this? : )

Eugen Caitaz комментирует...

Hi Truska! (sorry that I cannot put two point above letter "u" :)he he he -I just don't have portuguese language on keybord). Oh yep! This year we had a great Halloween eve, and I with my sister create for all family- good hell's Mood~! Yohoooooo! I made that pumpkins! Do You celebrate there in Potugalia this holliday?
Hey Truska, how you find me, thru Art of Masses????