суббота, 2 января 2010 г.

С Новым Годом!

I think that you understand what I write here.
This Happy New Year - in Russian! In our family as traditionally
each new year we are at home, all together. My family is very funny
and we love to laugh together.
As you all know, this year, are the Year of the Tiger. And in honor of
this I did make-up.
I think that there is little resemblance between me and those big,
hairy cats. ;)

Toys, which we dresses up Christmas tree, handed down by our
grandparents. Some of them are already antiques - they already have
50 years old. Like this little chicken.
In my country, the New Year - is considered the most important holiday.

I have read and heard a lot of information that in many countries,
such as England, USA, Christmas is the most important holiday.
Another very interesting fact are that every nation has its customs
and traditions that are passed from generation to generation.
In many Western countries - Santa Clause - the main man at the
Christmas days. Did you know - from were come this term???
For the first time ,Santa, appeared on posters advertising Coca-Cola!
It's true! :) In my country, his name-"Moş Crăciun".
If you're interested in, you can go on this link!

And the picture of this year (I just finished painting it today)
becomes -

(it will hang on the wall for a year).

Happy New Year to all! Soon, Christmas will come !!!

8 комментариев:

Joan Crawford комментирует...

You are so creative, Jenea! I just look at pictures of other people being interesting. Happy New Year!

Acornmoon комментирует...

Happy New Year Jenea, to you and your family.

Renee комментирует...

Jenea the picture is awesome.

I love Lost and can't wait for it to start up.


Michelle комментирует...

Happy New Year to you...
Your are so cute! When I saw, I thought it was a cat.
My sister loved yhe photo!

Unknown комментирует...

oh what a fun photo!!! wonderful !!! Wishing you and your family a very Happy and Prosperous New Year!!! wonderful to meet you!!!

Ces Adorio комментирует...

Jenea, you make me smile and laugh. I love this photo of yours of course. New Year is very important to me and my family. Did your elephant arrive. It should have reached yo

Happy New Year!

Eugen Caitaz комментирует...

Joan, You are creative too, especially in your funny ideas!!!

Thanks Acornmoon! ;)

From there, Renee? you know that I like Lost!!! You saw my other post?
Oh yes!!! I wait too, but...I not have seen the season 5, yet! Hahaha! :)

Hihihi! Michelle! I am Tiger here! (not, Tiger Woods ;)

Diana! it's wonderful that i meet you too!!! All the best! =)

Not Ces! Your elephant not arrrived yet! Maybe because he is very big and heavy! :)))) hihihi....

lulu moonwood murakami комментирует...

Jenea, I love your drawing - great tiger and I love how the toes on the paw prints say 2010 - cool! Happy New Year to you and your family!
: ) lulu