четверг, 14 октября 2010 г.

Birthday of Chisinau

574 years old.
A beautiful sunny day. All people come to center of the city for blending with the rest of the people. All the benches are occupied, so if you saw an empty place, know - that the speed of thought is not exactly like the speed of the legs. you don't have a second, like you see this bench will be occupied by another weary person.
I love this day. Interesting people put up for display interesting stuff, but lucky people still manage to sell anything. :)

Medusa Gorgona

Ghost Ship

Moldovian Statue of Liberty

Motorcycle - woven twigs

And me -not a successful attempt to put the pumpkin in my pocket. (One second before the runaway.)

2 комментария:

Unknown комментирует...

Amazing motorcycle.

Eugen Caitaz комментирует...

Oh yes! It was very great work!

Even himself -Paul John Teutul Sr would be envious! *_*