среда, 6 января 2010 г.

Happy Christmas!

Hi friends!!! and Happy Chrismas!!!
I have confused nothing, it's absolutely really! :) Here, in my country,
today is Christmas night! I hope that I'll see today - Grinch! ;)

All my Wednesday I spent in the Post Ofice, sometimes I think that I want to be Postman! It's interesting work!

On this holiday I received one Postcard from Germany.

It's so funny.

Country: Germany
Distance: 1,474 km
Traveled: 16 days

I wish for all - Happy Christmas!

5 комментариев:

Unknown комментирует...

Wishing you a wonderful Christmas!!! Have some vodka for me!!! hehehee....

I sell all of my work...in shops..at galleries and at auctions...I just love to create each and every day...and love seeing my work travel the world...

What are some themes you wish for me to work on...maybe I will work on a Russian doll....that might be fun!!!

Have a wonderful holiday!!!

Paul Spooner комментирует...

I signed up to the Postcrossing website after I read about it on here...I haven't received a postcard myself, but I have sent one to a nice lady in China...

Hopefully, I will get one myself soon!

Michelle комментирует...

Adoro saber as coisas diferentes da minha realidade, uma das fontes para conhecer um novo mundo é o seu blog, adoro seu jeito extrovertido.
Feliz Natal!

Eugen Caitaz комментирует...

Hihihi!!! Diana! you are great artist! I wish you all the best in your features 2010's workk!!! It's very interesting that you sellyour so nice work! ;)

Hi Paul! Wowww, you begining to send and received postcard! I think you will like this Awesome idea!!!

Feliz Natal! for you too, Michelle! =)

lulu moonwood murakami комментирует...

Ooh, Jenea - I want to send you a postcard, too! I hope you had a great Christmas. I didn't know you celebrated on January 6th -very interesting!
: ) lulu