понедельник, 8 марта 2010 г.

Oscar for women: A gift from Zindy

Today, in this wonderful - beautiful day, I would like to give all my time, for you - dear women. This doesn't mean that guys cannot read this post. :)
In my country and in other countries of the former Soviet Union, today, we celebrate Women's Day -8 March! I very much would like to congratulate all women with whom I am acquainted - with 8 March ! I wish you -all good, health, a lot of fun and that would have fulfilled all your crazy dreams. Remember that you are loved, there is no reason to live without you! If I could, I would give for you, all Oscars of the world!

I am so glad that esspecialy today, I tell you about one of my very talented friend - Zindy. Even the name, makes get pleasure from life. She is born in northern country- Denmark. On Saturday, at our house called a toad (I'm not about the postman, hi hi), and gave a beautiful Danish envelope. I rubbed a little my asleepy eyes, (maybe it's just another dream!?).

PS. I'llTell you a little secret, when I get mail, I did not immediately open the envelope, I was a little forward, in order that would create a wild atmosphere. All around: my sister, parents, - run, jump, can not find a place for themselves and only I sit, as if I am waiting for something. Adrenaline increases, the pulse becomes stronger, and at the end I attacking the envelope, like a lion in front of mining. : o)

At this time, "mining" was very sweet. I received a gift, a beautiful card with a wish and a beautiful handwriting (both pleasant and interesting to see the natural handwriting of the person with whom I communicate via the Internet! "And most importantly, a Book-mark, all these gifts are made in the original Zindy's style.

Now I'm reading book, "Third Girl" by Agatha Christie, I really want - book mark. Before, I always had something to put some paper in order that would remember what page I stopped, but now with help of dear Zindy, I'll read books and will remember about my Danish girlfriend.

Happy holiday! Life becomes more fun, in your presence!

11 комментариев:

Joan Crawford комментирует...

Aw, Jenea - thanks :D

You're very sweet and I am glad you got such awesome stuff from the equally awesome named Zindy!

spindelmaker комментирует...

What a lovely toad! I´ve spent the day reading about the situation for women in other countries. We celebrate Women´s day in Scandinavia too, and luckily we have come a long way. but in some other poor countries, it´s horrific some of the things women have to put up with!

Zindy S. D. Nielsen комментирует...

I am so glad you got it and it's very sweet what you wrote. It's always great to gift people who appreciate it :)
Take care Jenea and talk soon.
Your friend from Denmark :)

Zindy S. D. Nielsen комментирует...

I forgot to add it's so nice you added one of the greatest Diary of dreams songs :)

Ces Adorio комментирует...

How fun is it to read yur post and feel your enthusiasm. Take care dear Jenea. That's a lot of snow on the previous post.

Teri комментирует...

Wonderful post Jenea. How interesting to have a "Women's Day" in your country. You make all women proud.

Liubovi комментирует...

thank's for your original present for me to 8 march-it's really very original. what about the book-mark-it's very cool-i thihk now you will spend more time to read one page-time used for real reading and time to looking at this beautiful girl)))

BALLET NEWS комментирует...

Loved your post - thank you for sharing. Have a lovely week

Amy C комментирует...

that stamp is really beautiful, I love to get things in the post too, I get super excited!
(yes I live in the USA, sept 19th is talk like a pirate day but sadly I never heard anyone talking like that YET).

lulu moonwood murakami комментирует...

Thank you so much for this greeting, Jenea. I wish we celebrated Women's Day here - I didn't even know about this holiday! p.s. It's always so fun to read your blog and feel your enthusiasm!!!
: ) lulu

justdoodleit комментирует...

Sweet little package, Jenea! Cute thoughts on the Women's day.