воскресенье, 4 апреля 2010 г.

OK in UK

Christ is Risen!
Easterday we painted eggs in the colors of the rainbow. I love the coloring process, because it reminds me of a Dirty Jobs from a Discovery channel. :)
Friend, you know! "I love this holiday!
it's good that daddy didn't buy ostrich's eggs. Hihihi ... (just, paint, would not be enough for it) =)
I don't know how you celebrate this holiday, but my whole family take Easter eggs and Kulich (cakes) and go to my grandmother. It was fun, everyone laughed, personally, I laughed because everyone laughed.
I love a good laught in the company!
Happy Easter!

5 комментариев:

Unknown комментирует...

Happy Easter Jenea!!!

Счастливая пасха. Все самое лучшее к вам и вашей семье!!!!

wishing you and your family all the best!!!

Ces Adorio комментирует...

I love that you laughed because everyone laughed.

Leililaloo комментирует...

I love your story and how you celebrate this holiday. You are so inspiring!

justdoodleit комментирует...

Happy Easter Jenea!
Those are some really colorful eggs :)

Eugen Caitaz комментирует...

@Diana-woowww! you begining to learn russian language!!! ;)

@Ces- I laughed because you love that I laughed because everyone laughed. hihihih...

@Leililaloo- Thank you very much!

@friend- Happy for you too! ;)