суббота, 6 марта 2010 г.

The Legend of Martisor

Hello dear friends! I have seen, that you liked my game from last post. You had different theories. But, no one of you, cannot guessed. I am feeling now, like one very good liar. :)
The truth is - 3rd point. Yes, I really know one woman who is in the Guinness World Records, she grows the most Enormous Pumpkins in the world. Go through this link.
Amy!!! I would be terribly happy, if I could eat for lunch - 1 big circle of cheese. This is really, my favorite food.
Have you read 7 point??@?? =) I'm ashamed to admit it, but this is the truth. Sometimes when I'm in a desperate situation, I need to survive ... (I'm talking about burdock's leaves)

Man, I cannot believe in it! This morning, when I woke up, I went to the window and saw this ...
I'll tell you honestly, that we was very surprised. In our region don't fall so much snow in the winter , but now, spring has arrived, and still, you can ride on sled!
I forgot to tell you that ... I understand, here are so much written, but this story so interesting telling, about one of our Moldovan traditions.

One of the old Moldovan legend says that once in a fight with the winter witch, that didn’t want to give up its place, the beautiful lady Spring cut her finger and few drops of her blood fell on the snow, which melted. Soon on this place grew a snowdrop and in such a way the spring won the winter. Another legend tells that there was a time when the Sun used to take the shape of a young man and descend on Earth to dance among folk people. Now a dragon found out about this and followed the Sun on Earth, captured him and confined him in a dungeon in his castle. Suddenly the birds stopped singing and the children could not laugh anymore but no one dared to confront the dragon. One day a brave young man set out to find the dungeon and free the Sun. Many people joined in and gave him strength and courage to challenge the mighty dragon. The journey lasted three seasons: summer, autumn and winter. At the end of the third season the brave young man could finally reach the castle of the dragon where the Sun was imprisoned. The fight lasted several days until the dragon was defeated. Weakened by his wounds the brave young man however managed to set the Sun free to the joy of those who believed in him. Nature was alive again, people got back their smile but the brave young man could not make it through spring. His warm blood was draining from his wounds in the snow. With the snow melting, white flowers, called snowdrops, harbingers of spring, sprouted from the thawing soil. When the last drop of the brave young man’s blood fell on the pure white snow he died with pride that his life served a noble purpose. Since then people braid two tassels: one white and one red.

Click to enlarge (maked by our cousin)

Every March 1 people offer this amulet called Martisor to the each other. The red color symbolizes love for all that is beautiful and also the blood of the brave young man, while white represents purity, good health and the snowdrop, the first flower of spring.
Happy Spring-Winter day! :o)

13 комментариев:

Oscar Grillo комментирует...


Oscar Grillo комментирует...

Ockap пишет нopok!

Eugen Caitaz комментирует...

:) Thanks! Wow! Oscar you have russian letter!???

Unknown комментирует...

oh these photos are awesome Jenea!!! what a wonderland....it is very sunny and warmer here and all of our snow is melting....so thank you for sharing these great photos!!

to add a photo to your sidebar...all you have to do is go to your dashboard and click on ad gadget...then scroll down and pick the gadget that is called "photo" and upload it and voila!!

If you need more help...let me know!!!!


Paul Spooner комментирует...

Happy spring day!

Leililaloo комментирует...

Dear Jenea, this post is truly wonderful. I loved it you shared with us the Moldavian storys about spring. I am from another world it seems, but i feel very connected to yours :))

And spring is in the air!! Let's sing this all outloud and maybe it will send the snow away! Even if it looks beautiful like a fairyland.

Acornmoon комментирует...

Thanks for telling us about your traditions.

I hope the sun shines for you soon.

Eugen Caitaz комментирует...

Diana thank you very much for information! Hugs! Jenea

Happy for you too!

Dana, I am so glad to heard from you so kind and beatiful words! Hope you have fine day!

Hello dear acornmoon! I will be ever glad, if you will knowed something about my country and our tradicional!

Zindy S. D. Nielsen комментирует...

This is so beautiful, looks like a fairytale!:)

basebell6 комментирует...

yay! love the snow!! i want at least one more snowstorm before spring but don't know if that will happen. enjoy it while it lasts!

Amy C комментирует...

wow what a wonderful story and tradition, I like the hand prints in the snow too.
Enjoy your cheese lunch today!

lulu moonwood murakami комментирует...

Jenea, this is so interesting to read these folk stories/legends! I love learning about the customs of other countries. I hope you will tell us more from time to time.
: ) lulu
p.s. We had snow two nights ago - nothing like you had, it didn't even stick on the ground. Still, it was an amazing surprise after such beautiful warm weather on the weekend!

Bella Sinclair комментирует...

Jenea, those are wonderful stories, and I love learning about your tradition. The snow will melt soon, my friend. Happy spring!