пятница, 21 мая 2010 г.

The Secrets of my Last Name: Ep. I

Recent time, I am very much interested in my surname. I thought, that everyone should, and even obliged to know all the secrets of their family type. Until this day, I never talked to you about my last name but now I'll open and try to tell a little more about what I am most interested in at the moment of my life.
My full name is - Kaytaz Eugene Alexander. Last Name "Kaytaz", I think is rather unusual, it is completely different from others last name, and certainly from the Russian what ending usually on - "ov/ -ova" and from the Ukrainian- "-enko" ...
As I have assumed up to now, this last name can be Greek or Turkish origin. I am from Moldova. And my ancestors also are from here. From history, I learned that early on Moldovan territory were Turkish war, and I make such an assumption, that maybe first of our ancestor in Moldova, was exactly Turkish soldier. Earlier on the same territory, fought and Tatars. In some villages lived and Greeks too.
Studying our liked, the World Wide Web, I learned that:

Kaytaz - Turkish name, this last name is found not only in Turkey but throughout the Balkans - Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Albania, Bulgaria, Greece ...

There are many Turkic names begining on "Kai"-
Kaisar - individual name of Kazakh
Kaynar - from Turk = Rill
Kaymak - from Tatars. "Sour", "cream".

Kai - from Turk. 1. "Strong";
Tazi - from Arab. "Arabic"

On Facebook registered 336 people under the same name.

Who knows what brings all us together, perhaps the beginning of our family runs very deep, and we all have a common ancestor! Here we take the example of Genghis Khan, the great Mongol warlord.

The scientists from England claim that Genghis Khan, around the world have 16 million descendants, so that maybe I was one of the descendants of the great leader in the 40th generation, He He sounds pretty crazy!!!

One of our relatives, who now lives in Russia, found that there is in Turkish, the name Kaytus. It translates as a cluster of stars. Was given to both men and women, the word is of Arabic origin. (Another good and very interesting theory about the origin of the genus).
Learning about what Kaytus means clusters of stars or a constellation, I immediately went to Google, and began to look for the slightest information about this star. Just in a couple of minutes, I caught an interesting constellation - Cetus, than those in tune with my name Kaitaz, and more than that,
I learned that in this constellation is the brightest star under the name-Baten Kaitos (translated from Arabic - whales belly).

Follow for the tomorrow continuation:-

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